Survey and Assessment of the Human Activities in Chingurmi Duguma Sector of Chad Basin National Park, North – Eastern Nigeria
Mohammed Lawan Shettima
Gwana Adamu Mohammed
Mohammed Waziri
Mu’azu Abdullahi Kofan Na’isa
Abubakar Aliyu
Hauwa Lawan Badawi
Bassey Effiong Edet
Malah Alhaji Musa
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6-1, December 2017
Pages: 50-70
Received: 28 October 2017
Accepted: 30 October 2017
Published: 24 November 2017
Abstract: This study was conducted on the survey and assessment of the human activities in Chingurmi Duguma sector of Chad Basin National Park, north – eastern Nigeria. Primary and secondary sources of information were used. Data were collected by using compound structured open and ended questionnaires, served in 12 villages’ communities on 10 selected individuals in each village, totaling 120 respondents and a separate questionnaire on 15 park officials. The data collected were analysed statistically. Eight well known national parks located within the eight states in Nigeria, their locations, area land marks with percentage of each park occupied were stated. Surveyed and identified different 15 fauna and 26 Flora species at interval of every 5 km from point A to E in the sector. 69% males and 31% females of the respondents were involved, 41 above years old were 44 the highest (37%), and least were 31 – 35 and 36 – 40 years old (18%) each involved actively in human activities, 80% were enlightened on the relevance of the park to the surrounding village communities, 31% were educated on the risk of farming in the park, 47% of the respondents were 6 – 10 years leaving in surrounding the park, relationship between the park officials and the communities were 67%, 33% benefit from the resources of the sector, 20% for communication gab, 75% said wildlife (animals) appears in the night, 33% for day time. 50% usually go into the park for grazing/ poaching and hunting, 25%t for hunting of birds, 23% agreed on felling trees, 100% of park officials agreed to have seen people tempering with the resources in the park, and 42% agreed on poaching and hunting of animals resources in the Chingurmi Duguma sector of the park. Findings reveal that the park is being tempered with and that the human activities are on the high side. It is advised that the government should come to its aid.
Abstract: This study was conducted on the survey and assessment of the human activities in Chingurmi Duguma sector of Chad Basin National Park, north – eastern Nigeria. Primary and secondary sources of information were used. Data were collected by using compound structured open and ended questionnaires, served in 12 villages’ communities on 10 selected indiv...
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Comparative Techniques of Raising Seedlings of Acacia seyal in the Arid Zone of Borno State, North - Eastern Nigeria
Mohammed Lawan Shettima
Gwana Adamu Mohammed
Hauwa Lawan Badawi
Mu’azu Abdullahi Kofan Na’isa
Bassey Effiong Edet
Mohammed Lawan Marte
Shettima Usman Kyari
Abubakar Aliyu
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6-1, December 2017
Pages: 40-49
Received: 1 November 2017
Accepted: 1 November 2017
Published: 7 November 2017
Abstract: This study was conducted on the techniques of raising seedlings of Acacia seyal in the arid zone of Borno state, north - eastern Nigeria. Techniques were carried out to investigate the effect of mixed potting system (MPS) and open potting system (OPS) on seed germination and seedlings growth. Seeds sample was obtained commercially at Gamboru market, Maiduguri, Nigeria. Experiments were carried in 2 different sites, 4 replications, 16 boiled seeds sown in each of the 2 PSs, rows containing 4 seeds (R1, R2, R3 and R4) each, 64 seeds were used. The total mean numbers of seeds germinated in MPS and OPS was 117 (58.5 ± 7.8); 53 and 64. Total mean number of seedlings were; 247 (61.7 ± 26.6) and 282.6 (70.6 ± 26.3). Total mean stem diameters were; 20.8 (5.2 ± 2.2) and 19.6 (4.9 ± 2.3). Total mean height were; 295 (73.6 ± 29.9) and 352 (88 ± 47) were recorded each weekly for 4 weeks. The number of seeds germinated in to seedlings and stem diameters were found to be higher in the OPS than the MPS. There was no significant difference between the 2 PSs in terms of germination, despite the difference in numbers of germinated seeds OPS had the highest, highest diameter in R2 and R4, and MPS had higher in diameter in R1 and R3. The mean number of leaves in the first day was 0, on day 13th the average number of leaves was approximately 1, it increased with days to 19th to the last day of the experiment that is (30th day). It has been noticed that, at 1st week, the number of leaves was higher in MPS, while the OPS was lower with difference of 6 leaves, and at the last 3 weeks OPS had higher numbers leaves than the MPS. To this, in raising seedlings in the arid zone environment, the MPS treatment technique is preferable from the findings obtained in this research work.
Abstract: This study was conducted on the techniques of raising seedlings of Acacia seyal in the arid zone of Borno state, north - eastern Nigeria. Techniques were carried out to investigate the effect of mixed potting system (MPS) and open potting system (OPS) on seed germination and seedlings growth. Seeds sample was obtained commercially at Gamboru market...
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Survey on Traditional Beekeeping and Honey Production in Biu and Its Environs, North – Eastern Nigeria
Gwana Adamu Mohammed
Aja Makinta
Buhari Bagudu Yawuri
Effiong Edet Bassey
Fatima Haroun
Umar Mustapha Marte
Kadai Kur Idris
Musa Samuel
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6-1, December 2017
Pages: 8-16
Received: 17 February 2017
Accepted: 18 February 2017
Published: 21 August 2017
Abstract: For years in olden times, man depended on gathering and hunting for foods and the favourable climate, but recently, the coming of many scientific, technological and engineering, innovations and the clarion call for change and sustainable development, man had improved and modified plants varieties and animal breeds for food security and it consequences. For these reasons, this study was conducted on the survey on traditional honey bee (Apis millifera) keeping and honey production in Biu and its environs. Compound structured closed and opened ended questionnaires and verbal interview were used for data and information ecosystem collection. One hundred and fifty (150) questionnaires were distributed randomly to beekeepers within the communities of Bubalwada, Garwashina and Kirmbula villages in Biu, north – eastern Nigeria, retrieved, statistically analysed and were recorded. It revealed vital information on the demography of the Apiculturists and the traditional honey beekeeping, honey production; male’s youths (83%), married persons (57%), those with formal educational status (68%), business persons (31%), attended secondary level of education (35%), number of house hold size (16 persons and above), have experience in beekeeping (9 years and above), were mostly involved in Apicultural practicing. The study also revealed that most of the Apiculturists in the study area use grass hives for the traditional method (27%), honey bee wax as attractant for new colonies formation (51%), wild honey harvesting (63%) and traditional methods of honey production (68%), rude method of honey processing (61%) and theft of the honey being produced was the most serious problems they encountered were (37%). The majority of the Beekeepers in Biu and its environs sale their honey at retails price (41%) and sales were done in the rural market (47%) inclusively. Youths are urging to engage and participate in this sector of farming, it adds more beauty to the agro – ecosystem - ecology and economic values systems.
Abstract: For years in olden times, man depended on gathering and hunting for foods and the favourable climate, but recently, the coming of many scientific, technological and engineering, innovations and the clarion call for change and sustainable development, man had improved and modified plants varieties and animal breeds for food security and it consequen...
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Determinations of Some Selected Heavy Metals and Elements in Soil of the College’s Farm, College of Agriculture, Maiduguri, North – Eastern Nigeria
Gwana Adamu Mohammed
Buhari Bagudu Yawuri
Effiong Edet Bassey
Adam Ahmed
Mohammed Lawan Shettima
Mohammed Lawan Marte
Hauwa Lawan Badawi
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6-1, December 2017
Pages: 17-22
Received: 15 March 2017
Accepted: 16 March 2017
Published: 21 August 2017
Abstract: This study focuses on the ecosystem – ecological, environmental Pedology determined of some selective heavy metals and elements in soil of the college’s farm, College of Agriculture, Maiduguri, Nigeria. Soils were sampled, and collected as described by the method of Ashiq et al, (2013) and analysed by the methods described by AOAC (1990). Results obtained revealed that, the soil sampled found to contained heavy metals and element in moderate amount of mean concentration values in milligrams per gram (mg / g), the element and metals determined were; potassium (K) element had the highest level with the mean concentration of 15 mg / g, and then followed by cadmium (Cd) 9 mg / g, copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) had 1 mg / g each, lead (Pb) had the value of 0.4 mg / g in mean concentration level, while manganese (Mn) had 0.3 mg / g, and finally zinc (Zn) had the mean concentration level of 0.1 mg / g of soil. The magnitude of concentration levels of the heavy metals and elements determined in the soils of the college’s irrigation farm in sequential ascending order was; K > Cd > Cu, Fe and Ni > Pb > Mn > Zn. Also in consideration of their concentration levels in terms of mean percentage (%) amongst the metals and elements determined; K had 54%, Cd had 32%, Fe and Ni had 5% each, Cu had 2%, Mn and Pb had I% each, and finally Zn had 0.5%, i.e. the highest in mean concentration levels was potassium (K), the least was zinc and it is not contaminated by the metals and the elements determined as well respectively. Human activities have dramatically changed the 10 metres position and organization of the soil. The industrial and mining activates in an increased concentration of heavy metals in soil. How plants and soil microorganisms cope with this situation. It is recommended that further study needs to be carried out in order to ascertain, assess and state the heavy metals and elements mean concentration levels in soil of the said study area, and all farms at large.
Abstract: This study focuses on the ecosystem – ecological, environmental Pedology determined of some selective heavy metals and elements in soil of the college’s farm, College of Agriculture, Maiduguri, Nigeria. Soils were sampled, and collected as described by the method of Ashiq et al, (2013) and analysed by the methods described by AOAC (1990). Results o...
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Microbial Estimation and Characterization of Wastewater and Sludge in Awka Metropolis, Nigeria
Bassey Effiong Edet
Gwana Adamu Mohammed
Buhari Bagudu Yawuri
Alhaji Bashir Mohammed
Abubakar Musa
Abba Mala Galtimari
Hauwa Lawan Badawi
Mustapha Ahmadu
Fanna Ali Garra
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6-1, December 2017
Pages: 23-32
Received: 23 March 2017
Accepted: 24 March 2017
Published: 21 August 2017
Abstract: This study focuses on the estimation and characterization of microorganisms isolated from wastewater and sludge in Awka metropolis, Nigeria. The samples were collected randomly from four (A, B, C and D) respective areas, analyzed microbiologically by homogenizing the samples under aseptic conditions to obtain a homogenous mixture, the isolation techniques used was pour plate methods as described by Cheesbrough, (2010); Joanne et al, (2011); APHA, (1989). The samples were diluted serially, inoculated on to MacConkey agar and Sabouraud Dextrose agar media each and microorganisms were isolated; wastewater had a range from 44 to 100 colonies and total of 284 (71 ± 24.30), CFU / ml (10-4) of 1.0 × 107 to 8.0 × 106 with total count of 19.4 (4.85 ± 2.96) × 106, while sludge was ranges from 60 to 120 colonies with a total of 358 (89.5 ± 29), CFU / ml (10-4) ranged from 1.0 × 107 to 7.0 × 106 with total count of 15.2 (3.8 ± 3.1) × 106. The colony and the morphology of the isolates were recorded, the bacterial isolates were characterized by motility tests, Gram staining and identified by biochemical tests. The fungal isolates were microscopically examined using a wet mount procedure. From the results obtained 8 bacterial and 7 fungal isolates were identified from both the wastewater and the sludge; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Micrococcus leteus, Enterococcus faecalis, Serratia mercescens and Yersinia enterocolitica. Acrophialophora fusispora, Epicoccum Purpurascens, Rhizopus microsporus, Exophiala spinifera, Cladosporium cladosporiodes, Aspergillus niger and Phaeoacremonium parasiticum. Results also showed that staphylococcus aureus have the highest percentage of occurrence in wastewater, while in sludge Micrococcus species have the highest percentage of occurrence.
Abstract: This study focuses on the estimation and characterization of microorganisms isolated from wastewater and sludge in Awka metropolis, Nigeria. The samples were collected randomly from four (A, B, C and D) respective areas, analyzed microbiologically by homogenizing the samples under aseptic conditions to obtain a homogenous mixture, the isolation tec...
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Appraisal of Tree Planting Programmes in Maiduguri Metropolitan, Nigeria
Mohammed Lawan Shettima
Gwana Adamu Mohammed
Abubakar Musa
Mohammed Lawan Marte
Hauwa Lawan Badawi
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6-1, December 2017
Pages: 33-39
Received: 5 April 2017
Accepted: 6 April 2017
Published: 21 August 2017
Abstract: This study was carried out on the appraisal of tree planting programmed in Maiduguri, Nigeria. It examine tree planting project in Maiduguri. Afforestation plays a vital role in the sustainability of semi - arid lands. Trees serve various purposes (tangible and intangible benefits). They help in protecting the land from water and wind erosion. Primary and secondary source of information were employed. Compound structured closed and opened ended questionnaires and verbal interview were used for data and information - ecosystem collection. One hundred and twenty (120) questionnaires were distributed and administered, stratified randomly to field workers, other professionals and farmers within the communities of Maiduguri, retrieved, statistically analysed and were recorded. Data on previous tree planting activities were collected from the forestry divisions and evaluated to ascertain the level of successes. The results obtained revealed that 90 Males (75%) and 30 Females (25%) were involved in the study and falls within the age – group of under 25 years with 6 respondents (5% was least) to 31 – 40 years with 49 respondents (41% was the highest), the seedlings of five (5) tree species (Neem, Eucalyptus, Mango, Guava and Cashew) were planted at ten (10) Locations for over and within twenty three (23) Years; total seedlings planted was 18,500 (1027.8 ± 318.3), total survived was 17,124 (951.3 ± 334.8) with 93%, total lost was 1,376 (76.4 ± 97.5) with 7% and the problems encountered were Poor funding, lack of training of forestry officers and lack of effective monitoring of tree planting projects as the major problems. It thus recommended the needs for improved funding, training and retraining of forestry officers and effective monitoring of tree planting sites.
Abstract: This study was carried out on the appraisal of tree planting programmed in Maiduguri, Nigeria. It examine tree planting project in Maiduguri. Afforestation plays a vital role in the sustainability of semi - arid lands. Trees serve various purposes (tangible and intangible benefits). They help in protecting the land from water and wind erosion. Prim...
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Role of Slt: Environmental Impact Assessments and Statements Concept
Gwana Adamu Mohammed
Bassey Effiong Edet
Buhari Bagudu Yawuri
Malah Alhaji Musa
Umaru Buba Wakil
Mohammed Lawan Shettima
Shettima Usman Kyari
Halima Mohammed Bala
Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6-1, December 2017
Pages: 1-7
Received: 25 January 2017
Accepted: 29 January 2017
Published: 28 February 2017
Abstract: Within the special issues, the role of Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) in various fields of local, traditional, or modern and indigenous knowledge need to be elaborated. Review study was carried out on the role of SLT in environmental impact assessments and statements concept. SLT is a wide scope discipline, serving as a linkage between various fields, especially the ecosystem ecology and organisms interactions studies. SLT plays a greatest role in ecosystem research (biotic and abiotic pools and fluxes) analysis of relevant values, participates actively in Environmental Impact Assessment and Statement (EIA/S). It provides various laboratory techniques; analyses, samples collection on the targeted points or locations, parameters assess or state gives the baseline data to these samples points or locations. The samples conditions are not determined only, but would serve as reference baseline data in order to avoid unnecessary dispute or claim in the future of a project. Also provide services for EIA as a management tool designed to aid stakeholders, policy makers, managers and officials both at local, national and international observatory who mainly take decisions on major development projects in predicting the effects on the environmental consequences of such projects, before and after their implementation and planning measures, for avoiding or mitigating adverse laboratory techniques. The act of making natural laws adaptable to society understanding and eventual applications of these laws to solve man’s day to day problems through skill knowledge of science, technology and engineering depended wholly on series of laboratory experiments, greatly improved many aspects of development in our societies, through the production and innovation of computers and internets, makes it to be virtual or stimulated and remote laboratories. Without the indispensable contributions of qualified and licensed professional in SLT, no producible, justifiable, valid and reliable findings can be ascertain on the EIA/S and data based study, including the description of baseline environmental condition of proposed project areas or points as multidisciplinary.
Abstract: Within the special issues, the role of Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) in various fields of local, traditional, or modern and indigenous knowledge need to be elaborated. Review study was carried out on the role of SLT in environmental impact assessments and statements concept. SLT is a wide scope discipline, serving as a linkage between various...
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